الجمعة، 21 يناير 2011

for dealing about the new design

By the name of allah

For dealing about new design of the fusion reactor ,

there's some main points and some details ,

the main items is :

1 – case you want to buy the new design in details .

2 – case you want to share me by the design and scientific basics .

3 – case you want only to use main idea of the new design which published in the net on :


to use or to modify ,

the permission will be for one corporation in the world ..

recommendation :

I advise management of ITER to take my design and to cut 1 or 2 billion to make new reactor project and scientific researches on my design,

and also to complete there normal project .

this could make hem got thing worth something ,

That's better than losing all the budget in there famous project because there's no success is expected in there famous old tested design .

who interested in the new design of the fusion reactor,

ITER or another corporation in the world, please contact me on :


or send SMS to me on :

Egypt – 0107244988

Essam gad

الاثنين، 27 ديسمبر 2010

what's the fusion

by the name of allah

what is the fusion
the fusion is two types :

1 -complete fusion :
when two masses or more fuse with each other to become one big mass

examples :
a - melting of two spheres of steel by high temperature to become one big sphere .
b - eating of food , drinking of water , making sex .

2 -incomplete fusion :
when two or more of masses touched with each other to become one united mass consists of small masses

examples :
a - cube of sugar , the nuclear fusion .
b - holding food , holding glass of water , holding woman .

so , the nuclear fusion is in type of incomplete fusion .

important point :

the fused masses is not must to be quite similar before or the fusion .
the mass could be big mass or small mass before the fusion .
the point is , it's not must to masses if it fused with each other to change after the fusion ,
but it could be the same as it was before the fusion .
that's mean that the produced HE at most will has the same atomic weight of H isotopes before the fusion ,
that's mean that the human made HE not must to be the same as the natural HE .
what prove this is to find the produced HE will not emit or release energy ,
and by accurate measuring to the atomic weight of human made HE after the fusion .

Egypt - 0107244988

Essam gad

new design of the new fusion reactor

by the name of allah
new design of the fusion reactor
i write this about new design to the nuclear fusion reactor .
in case you believe in that , the nuclear fusion releases huge amount of energy ,
this design can introduce best way to make the nuclear fusion .
main idea of the new design :
when we have one famous reactor we have one direction to the plasma current ,
with or against clock wise .
when we have two reactors , with the same direction to the electric current we have the same direction to the plasma current .
if the two reactors connected by sides " peanut shape "
then we have two different directions to plasma current in the middle region ,
which make the particles in plasma current collide and fuse .
"the next drawing do not has internal contents it 's just shows the main idea "

general properties of the design :
to make nuclear fusion , the new design saves best way to make it because of :
1 - the design has two different directions to plasma current which make the particles in the plasma current fuse easily.
2 - the design has one place to the fusion - in the middle region –
which make extracting the energy is easy .
but the important point is ,
is the nuclear fusion releases energy or absorbs it .?

drawing of the design :

if you draw the famous reactor as cylinder in square dimensions 3 by 6 ,
you can draw 2 same cylinders connected by side tips ,
square dimensions 5 by 6 " peanut shape "as it clear in the ex- drawing …
the internal contents is the same to both sides as it famous and known .

for dealing about the new design and it's special details ,
please send me mobile message or call me on :
Egypt - 0107244988
think about it with greetings ,
Essam gad

old design of the fusion reactor

By the name of allah
defects of the current nuclear fusion reactor

principle of the fusion :
when two H isotopes combine together HE atom is produced and there's difference in the mass between HE atom and two separated H atoms ,
these difference in the mass releases in form of energy .
design of the reactor :
to make two H isotopes combine together they need strong force because both of them have the same charge and they need also very high temperature to make this fusion .
these problem which the specialists around the world work to resolve it since tens of years .
as a try they designed " tokamak " which is a machine use high magnetic field to trap the H isotopes and use plasma to save the high temperature to make the fusion happen .
the problems :
When we look to the design of the famous nuclear fusion reactor we will notice that ,
the design depend on the old principles about the nuclear fusion .
and in the first place I think that the specialist do not know exactly ,
* – is the nuclear fusion release energy or absorb it ?.
After all ,
if we agree on all of the fusion principles - which is not correct -,
it still there's some defects in the design of the reactors ,
which is :

" Section shows Internal structure of old design of the reactor . "

" the drawing shows the idea of the new design of the fusion reactor "

1 – the reactor do not make precautions to produce nucleus of HE only and not another nucleus LI or BE or else .
2 – the resultants can not be stable atoms but it will be radioactive nucleuses .
3 – the fusion could happen in any where in the reactor which make extracting the energy from the reactor is very hard .
4 – no one can explain what is the mechanism of releasing the energy as a difference in the mass between mass of two H atoms and HE atom . .
5 – the reactor way in the fusion make some defects ,
which is :
A – in very high temperature over than 10 million could make the plasma lose all of the electrons .
B – circulation all the contents in very high speed in the same direction
" with clock wise or vice versa " with carrying the same charge make all plasma current contents repels with each other and escapes among each other easily during the circulation ,
which make the fusion happens in very low rates to hydrogen isotopes .

I hope to study the ex-points .
with greeting ,
Essam gad
Egypt – 0107244988

reality of the nuclear fusion

by the name of allah
reality of the nuclear fusion

talking about the nuclear fusion , consider in field of researches until now .
the practical experiments cannot grow to be as scientific reality .
when we talk about the nuclear fusion
There's some things we should know :

1 - the temperature of the atomic particles is , as the following
the protons - millions of positive degrees " over zero . "
the neutrons - zero - degree
. the electrons , millions of negative degrees " under zero "
2 - to make nuclear fusion , it must be in presence of the neutrons , as a mediate
to avoid the repulsion between the protons
3 - it could not get any energy from the nuclear fusion
because of , making fusion to H - 2 , and H - 3 , means that
the protons exerts some of it's charge to make the attraction with the neutrons
which mean that, the temperature of the resulted nucleus , is lower than the temperature of sum of the separated particles which inside it
the charge is the indicator to the temperature " . "
4 - what expected to happen in chain of the fusion is :
fusion to numbers of the particles , to produce some nucleuses it's atomic numbers depend on fusion effective factors .
which mean that , this operation can take very short time and finished , producing some nucleuses it's atomic weights is : 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 or other numbers ,
without any scientific law can control it .

and resulted nucleuses not must be HE only .
5 - we must think simply and clearly , from where we can get the energy , in case of fusion of the atomic particles .
if we can get energy from fission of the atom as a result of decaying the atoms
and fusion is opposite operation ,
what's the real source of the energy , then .
what I mean is :
is there's really any turning mass into energy as a result of the fusion ?
and is the answer is practically or just a theory ?.

after all ,
I think that , we before dealing with things cost a lot of money and time
the specialists must study ex - points
and try to find some answers to these questions :

why we must use H - 2 and H - 3 and not H - 2 only ?!.
what's the real structure of the atom , nucleuses specially ?.
and what's the real structure of particles of the atom ?.
how the fusion releases energy or
what's the mechanism of releasing the energy if the fusion happened ?.
what's make the resulted atoms, HE only and not LI or else .?.

Essam Gad