الجمعة، 21 يناير 2011

for dealing about the new design

By the name of allah

For dealing about new design of the fusion reactor ,

there's some main points and some details ,

the main items is :

1 – case you want to buy the new design in details .

2 – case you want to share me by the design and scientific basics .

3 – case you want only to use main idea of the new design which published in the net on :


to use or to modify ,

the permission will be for one corporation in the world ..

recommendation :

I advise management of ITER to take my design and to cut 1 or 2 billion to make new reactor project and scientific researches on my design,

and also to complete there normal project .

this could make hem got thing worth something ,

That's better than losing all the budget in there famous project because there's no success is expected in there famous old tested design .

who interested in the new design of the fusion reactor,

ITER or another corporation in the world, please contact me on :


or send SMS to me on :

Egypt – 0107244988

Essam gad

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